Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Why Body Content Matters to Google

seo tips

Google’s Matt Cutts unrestricted a short webmaster help video reminding webmasters not to disregard about the content in the body of the page. In this entertaining webmaster help video, Matt and his team clearly are trying to make this point by removing his body and leaving only his head.

It seems as though many webmasters and SEO experts have been a bit too gripped with the head of webpages that they seem to have forgotten the key element of a webpage, the content. Yes, you may have the ideal header with the right title, description and keywords tags but if you do not have the content to support it, it makes it hard for Google to return that page to users.
So next time you’re optimizing a sites header keep in mind to take some time to make positive the page has the content to support it.

Since Cutts did this video as a PSA, it does also lift the question if the upcoming algo update that he has hinted about will also more a lot stress quality content over thin content than webmasters have seen up awaiting now.

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