Wednesday, August 14, 2013

What Is The New Definition Of SEO???

The way we market, sell and carry SEO services has undoubtedly changed. Google's algorithm updates have made content marketing and social media the heart of a strong organic search strategy. So while the practice of SEO evolves, the description of SEO ought to evolve as well.
Other digital marketing plans such as email marketing, paid search and search re-targeting have very clear, acknowledged definitions. The definition of SEO, on the other hand, seems to be just as unclear as the practice itself.
description of seo

Current description of SEO

Even when you Google the phrase, “description of SEO", nothing really solid is returned.
Wikipedia's official definition is, "the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page."

Search engine optimization is about way more than this.

Web opedia's definition is, "a methodology of strategies, techniques and tactics used to increase the amount of visitors to a website by obtaining a high-ranking placement in the search results page of a search engine (SERP) -- including Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines."

SEO is more than this too.

Is Web Presence Optimization the Evolution of SEO?

So what is an accurate description of SEO given the changes to the business?

Web presence optimization is an grand approach to optimizing an entire web presence for organic search including the website, social channels, blogs, articles and press releases. Where strategies, techniques, and tactics are still used, but content marketing and social media are strongly included.

What's Your Definition of SEO?

1.    SEO is the constant process of finding and discovering non-branded keywords that are driving organic search traffic and conversions, then publishing content optimized for those keywords.

2.    SEO is the process of producing optimized content that is discoverable by the aim audience as they progress through the buying cycle.

3.    SEO is about a prospect discovering a brand's content and web presence through search and social, and the owner of that content being able to recognize who consumed the content and the crash of the content across the organization.

4.    SEO is the outcome of a content marketing strategy that makes use of highly converting keywords that your target audience is searching on.

5.    SEO is the process of attractive the visibility of a brand's web presence in organic search.
SEO in the digital marketing mix is here to stay. Standardizing a definition of SEO will help buyers better understand the importance of it, the reason for committing to it, and the short- and long-term impact an SEO approach has on a web presence.

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