Monday, March 31, 2014

Google AdWords Conversion Types

Earlier this month, Google AdWords formally launched Flexible Conversion Counting, a new type of conversion that allows advertisers to track the types of conversions that are most precious to their business.

This change changed how conversions appeared in our AdWords interface – “Conversions (1-per-click)” changed to “Converted Clicks” and Conversions (many-per-click) changed to “Conversions”. For many PPC professionals, we just made a mental note, updated some reporting templates or our data warehouse and moved on.

Below, we’ve broken out conversion types into three areas – Hard Conversions, expected Conversions and Percent-of Conversions.

Hard Conversion Types

These are your hard numbers, the bottom-line numbers, and likely what you’ve previously been reporting on, assuming all of your conversion tracking is set up accurately.
Converted Clicks

This is how many clicks resulted in one or more conversion actions. The actual number of conversions will be counted individually in the "Conversions" column. The number of converted clicks can help you estimated how many unique customers you're acquiring.


This column reports whole conversions, across all the conversion actions you're tracking. However, this conversion type also takes into consideration how you’ve selected to count your conversions which affect the number shown in this column.

Phone Call Conversions

If you’ve set up call extensions, your Phone Call Conversions column will represent the number of phone calls that were longer than the call duration specific for that call extension. Keep in mind that in order for Google to track Call Extensions, you must use a Google Call Forwarding Number.
Predictable Conversion Types
These are practically new conversion types provided by Google and based on estimated data. There is no additional conversion tracking needed on your end to view these conversion types, as they rely on Google’s complicated tracking to provide you with more information about how your customers behave.

Estimated Cross-Device Conversions

Estimated Cross-Device Conversions take place when a client clicks on an ad on one device, then converts on a different device or browser. Using this conversion type, you can see how your ads crash conversions that happen across multiple devices and browsers.

expected Total Conversions

This is Google’s best estimate of the total number of conversions that AdWords drives all together. This metric will comprise Estimated Cross-Device Conversions, Conversions and Phone Call Conversions. According to Google, you can use this column to understand your return on investment and make better decisions about your bids and budgets.

Percent-Of Conversion Types

“Percent-of Conversions” in an completely made up name. However, I’ve named the conversion types below “Percent-of Conversions” because when optimizing and adjusting bids, many PPC professionals take a percent of these conversions into thought. While many advertisers won’t fully rely on these metrics, many will be grateful for their value and use a percent of them to say their events.

Click-Assisted Conversions

Appearing only for search campaigns, Click-Assisted Conversions is the total number of conversions for which a finicky keyword contributed one or more assist clicks. Assist clicks can be clear as the total number of clicks a keyword received prior to a conversion, without the last click.
Impression-Assisted Conversions
The Impression-Assisted Conversions column shows the total number of conversions for which a exacting keyword triggered assist impressions prior to the last click. This is the same idea as Click-Assisted Conversions and is only shown for Search campaigns, with the variation being that it relies on assist impressions rather than assist clicks.

View-Through Conversions
View-Through Conversions happen when a customer views your image or rich media ad before converting, but never really clicks on the ad. If these customers later convert, this metric counts their conversions as “View-Through Conversions.” This swap type automatically excludes conversions from people who've also clicked your Search ads.

Choosing the right exchange type for your business can seem overwhelming at first. Hopefully reading through this article has helped you further appreciate the types that are available, and how they are used by advertisers today.

In most cases, the road to success starts by just defining what success looks like – and with Google now offering conversion types for nearly every business model, it's becoming easier for businesses to see the bigger picture and attain their goals that much faster

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Friday, March 28, 2014

Google Penalizes Greek Spam-Link Networks

seo tips
 Google is ongoing their fight against link networks worldwide. Google's Matt Cutts recently confirmed via Twitter that Greece was the newest country targeted for link network connected penalties.

The link networks in question were apparently networks run by SEO agencies for their clients.
It's vague exactly which SEO agency or agencies are accountable for the link networks that were penalized.

The change in Greek search results was noticeable sufficient that it earned some Cutts praise:

This has simply been the most topical link network targeted by Google, which has been making a point of going after international link spam this year. Google has been making many announcements proactively advising webmasters, mainly those with websites in target locations or languages, to clean up their link profiles prior to penalties hitting.

If you believe your websites is on the receiving end of low-quality links, you can always be positive and work on having the links removed or submit a disavow file to Google in order to discount the links. Google has been making many announcements proactively advising webmasters to clean up their link profiles prior to penalties striking, especially for international sites.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Google Permitted a US copyright for Panda Algorithm

 Three years after Google rolled out the initial version of its Panda algorithm, Google has been granted a copyright for it by the US Patent and Trademark Office.

Full credit for this news goes to Bill Slawski at SEO by the Sea, as he was the first to discover the patent had been granted. Full details of the patent can be seen here.

Navneet Panda and Vladimir Ofitserov are scheduled as the inventors of the algorithm, which explains how Panda got its name.  It’s interesting to note, before Panda launched it was supposed to be called “Farmer” because it was designed to target content farms. It wasn’t until Google’s Amit Singhal was asked about it in a Wired interview that we learned the algorithm would be called Panda.

Another attractive thing to note about the patent is it was filed for in 2012, quite a while after Panda was rolled out, and not granted until 2014.
Further reading into the details of the patent indicates how it is designed to understand abbreviations for domains. For example, a search for “SEJ” may return a result for the Search Engine Journal homepage because Panda is designed to realize how domains are referred to by their users.

Here’s what it says in the copyright description about that:

… if the system has data indicating that the terms “example sf” and “esf” are commonly used by users to refer to the resource whose URL is “,” queries that contain the terms “example sf” or “esf”, e.g., the queries “example sf news” and “esf restaurant reviews,” can be counted as reference queries for the group that includes the resource whose URL is “”

There are also some attractive sections about links, specifically how a user navigates from one page to another. There is a section of text that indicates Panda considers whether or not the page being linked to is a navigational result for the anchor text being used, “The system can determine whether a query is navigational to a resource by accessing data that identifies queries that are classified as navigational to each of a number of assets.”

A lot of the text is admittedly hard to appreciate if you’re not an expert when it comes to reading patents, but it’s worth looking through if you want to try and gain a deeper accepting of the Panda algorithm. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Twitter Experimenting with New aspect

 Twitter is reportedly experimenting with a new feature that would show users how many people viewed their creature tweets. The view count would be shown underneath each tweet, parallel to how Facebook shows the amount of views underneath each Page post.

Advertisers have long had access to these kinds of analytics on Twitter, being able to see how many views their tweets receive while successively an advertising campaign. If this experiment is finally rolled out to all users it would mark the first time Twitter has made those statistics available to everyone.

Twitter has explained before that they work on experiments all the time. They say “it’s rare for a day to go by when we’re not releasing at least one experiment.” 

Not all of those experiments get released across the whole platform, “We also experiment with features that may never be released to everyone who uses Twitter. Those experiments are perhaps even more valuable because they help us decide what not to do.”

It’s significant for us not to get our hopes up about tweet views just yet, but it sure is worth noting they’re at least testing it. Tweet views would be an very useful way for individuals and businesses to measure the true reach of their tweets, something they’ve never been able to do without being a paying advertiser.

Even though the feature hasn’t been unconfined yet, there are mixed feelings about it already. On one hand some are saying it would help cheer others to tweet more if they can see how many people are seeing their tweets. On the other hand, some are saying it could put off people from using the service if they have hundreds of followers but only a few dozen people really see what they’re tweeting.
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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Basic SEO Tips

 Here are three ideas to help you smash through your upland and help you steadily boost your search visibility.

1. Release Your Content

We all know that great content is the key to increasing online visibility, whether its through SEO or social. 

Sure, it's significant to have gated content that helps your lead generation hard work, but you should try to get the best of both worlds. Whitepapers, videos, or case studies that are gated after a lead form won't get you any SEO value. These are major content assets that you should be utilizing for SEO.

Why not repurpose some of the thoughts in your whitepaper into blog posts that can be indexed and read by anyone visiting your site? Or maybe you could quote some of the key stats from your case study in a blog post promoting your services? Your gated content will still be there, but by repurposing the content you will increase your search visibility, social referrals and, inevitably, the number of leads your website generates.

Another way to utilize your gated content for SEO is to offer it in multiple places. Why not make it accessible to visitors as 'gated' content, but also offer it un-gated? Anyone who reached your lead form won't know that they could get the content without providing their details and filling out a form. This gives you the best of both worlds, the content will be indexed, it will make more traffic and your lead generation won't be harmed.

Though this may seem like you're misleading your 

visitors, you're not doing anything wrong. You're present the same content; you're just facilitating the lead generation process as well. This is a very common method.

2. Focus on the Long Tail

During the first few phases of an SEO campaign the focus is frequently on the major keywords and phrases. These will be linked to the most significant pages on the website. It's regularly the rankings of these key pages that plateau first.

When this happens, the best approach is to cast your net wider. This means focusing your efforts on the long tail.

Long-tail search rankings can often be just, if not more, precious than your major keywords and phrases. They have lower competition, are more specific and, if chosen well, can be really action oriented.

If you focus your SEO efforts on identifying and exploiting any opportunities you uncover, you could very promptly increase your search referrals and conversion rates.

3. Go Offline

This is absolutely the most commonly overlooked SEO tactic of them all. Just because the "nuts and bolts" of SEO are all digital, it doesn't mean that it's an entirely digital discipline.

One of the most efficient SEO strategies out there is the building and cultivation of human relationships. Yep, that means getting out of the office and talking to people.

Some of the most precious links, PR opportunities, and ideas I've ever come across have come from real world human relationships with people I've met in a face-to-face setting. Go and find out what's working for other people.

Network with key influencers and peers. If you do this frequently, I guarantee you will uncover opportunities and insights that will help you avoid any plateau in performance.


It's a principle that doesn't exclusively apply to SEO. You should use it in every aspect of your online marketing: If you reach a plateau, does something different.

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Monday, March 24, 2014

Tips to develop Your Instagram Account

seo tips
  Instagram is huge business in 2014, and not just for the photo-sharing social network or its parent company, Facebook. Many companies and self-employed professionals are taking benefit of the nearly 200 million active users on the platform.

What social media analysts are seeing with Instagram is related to what Twitter has turned into: A social network that members really enjoy using on a daily basis because they find it engaging. For many brands, this means their chances of social media marketing achievement on Instagram are greater than on Pinterest or even Facebook. 

Out of those nearly 200 million Instagram users, more than half are actively using the network at least once a day, and more than one-third use it more than once daily

There are three other factors that make Instagram very beautiful for businesses: visual appeal, engagement, and mobility. This last factor sums up the very nature of the network — Instagram is mainly a collection of flawless mobile applications that seamlessly connect users through a cloud service. The apps and the levels of communication they offer make Instagram a visually pleasing and highly engaging social network.
Here are five ways to grow an Instagram account into a powerful marketing and branding tool:

Posting Quality, Meaningful Images

Instagram is pretty useful on its own, but it works even better when synchronized with other social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. One of the tenets of Instagram is that no one is a awful photographer. To this end, the a variety of filters and special effects come in handy, but it is more significant to make an effort to post quality images that speak to followers.
When it comes to choosing beautiful photos to post on Instagram, retailers, manufacturers, and visual artists have it easier than other professionals.

Instagram Community meeting

Once an Instagram account gains a considerable number of followers, it starts to feel and act like a community. Businesses and professionals who wish to grow their Instagram accounts should turn on notifications and keep them that way. The idea is to be learned every time people leave comments or like a photo. 

Notifications also serve to make users responsive of how their brand is being perceived across the network. Users should make an effort to interact accordingly each time they receive a notification.
Using Hashtags

The Instagram hashtag system is planned to make visual content relevant. Each image should have at least one or two hashtags for the purpose of making it easy for others to discover a new account. Hashtags can also be researched to find out the users behind them, follow them and interact on their content. To get followers, one must become a good follower first, and this means liking images and leaving nice comments.
Building Relationships

On Instagram, engagement is only the start. Once followers become prospects, customers, and clients, the next step is to take advantage of the network and form relationships. This can be accomplished by keeping the following in mind:

Instagram is supposed to be fun. A computer repair shop that only shares images of broken monitor screens and motherboards taken separately will probably have a hard time gaining followers. To inject some fun into their photo feed, the business owners should post pictures of their employees being silly or having fun during a break.
Followers should be confident to share their own images.

Find Out What Others Are Doing correct

The beauty of Instagram is that its content can be found transversely many social media platforms; this allows users to see what others are doing successfully. Since Twitter is often synchronized with Instagram, it is a good idea to research what type of content is having a greater shock and how. 

you might also like: The Importance of Hash Tags on Social media

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Tips to Rank a Keyword

 Sound on page SEO builds a solid base for your search marketing efforts. Fading to optimize the key areas we are going to cover below will really reduce the efficiency of your link building efforts, costing you time and money.

Key on Page SEO Factors

Unless you work in SEO, many of you will not have time to optimize every single factor of your website, so we are going to tap on the key areas that you must pick up to gain higher rankings.
Site Speed

Newly Google received a patent on their site speed ranking algorithm but industry professionals have known it is an significant factor for quite some time now. When you are developing a website, the speed of your pages should be a key consideration. Fresh coding improvements allow you to have a visually pleasing site that still loads quickly so there is no reason for a slow site. If you are hiring a web designer, make sure they take load time into consideration when building your site.The bottom line is a slow site is a low ranking site.

Site Navigation

The navigation of your website is very significant for users and for search engines. A proper internal linking structure will permit users to easily reach pages and should lead them to take the preferred action for you website. Aside from helping users, the internal links of your site will give search engines with a hierarchy of your website. If you sell construction services you may have a services page that links to exact services, a very simple example of a hierarchy. Remember, the more important a page is, the fewer clicks it should be from the home page of your site.

Page Titles & Meta Descriptions

Every page on your website should be sole and should have a purpose. The purpose, message, or keyword of each page should be conveyed by the page title. The meta description is a short review of what the page is about and should improve click-through rates. I like to search my target keyword and read the ad copy for the terms. This gives you a number of good ideas for page titles and meta descriptions, most of the time they have been tested and optimized. Send your competitors a thank you card for testing and sharing the best variations with you! 

Meta Keywords

For some reason people still add meta Keywords to pages. They not at all help you rank and are now used by Bing to look for spam pages. Don’t waste your time adding meta keywords.

Creating Content

The ability for your website to rank all starts with on page SEO. Before you begin build your website, you should decide on 1-2 keywords that will be targeted on each page of your website. While the old practice of mentioning exact variations of the keyword repeatedly are not necessary, you do need to take in your primary keyword in the page title, at least one heading and URL if possible. The body content should have variations of your keywords and should make mention of terms associated with the background of your page.

Alt Text for Images

Most websites have a number of images, but people often forget to optimize them. Adding alt text to all the images on your site will help Google appreciate what the image and page is about. While keyword filling is a waste of time, including your keyword on at least one image on each page has been connected with higher search rankings. This is a simple fix, just make sure you add alt text to your images.

5 Effective Link Building Strategies

Before we get started I want to stress that using a grouping on link building methods will always yield better results than a single strategy. Google likes to see a diverse link profile that appears normal so lets play their game.

Guest posting has newly been in the limelight as another passing fad among link builders. If you make a bunch of low quality, useless articles and share them on low authority sites, you are killing your time. Guest posting should only be done on sites that you would post to if SEO did not exist. 

Outreach Link Building

There is nothing new or sexy about this method, but it works. Coming up with a list of sites to reach out to can be tricky, but this is how I do it.

1.    Run a back link analysis of your top 5 competitor sites.

2.    Remove links with a page authority below 20.

3.    Remove any no-follow links (unless they are likely to provide significant referral traffic).

4.    Export your list and sort from highest page authority to lowest and work your way down the list of sites looking for ways to get a link. Finding the link to your competitor and improving the content they used to get that link is the best way to get your own link. You can also look for busted links to competitor sites and offer a new piece of similar content for the site owner to link to.

5.    Send a fast email to the site owner and tell them what you have to offer.

6.    Repeat until you have gone through the complete list, then find sites ranking 5-10 for your keyword and repeat steps 1-4.
Social Link Building
This is a lot like traditional outreach link building, excluding you are going to find link opportunities from social media. I have mentioned this technique before, but it is worth repeating. Here is how to find people who will possible link to your site.

1.    Curate content closely connected to your niche and share it via social networks.

2.    Monitor user engagement and identify content that was heavily shared, liked, re-tweeted, etc.

3.    Create a new part of content closely related but better than what you shared.

4.    Contact everyone who engaged with the curated piece and let them know you have something they would love.

5.    Relax while your new piece of content is being shared, liked, and linked to.

Directory Submissions

Before you leave the page or a spiteful comment, I am not talking about the old school method of blasting your site out to a billion and nine directories. There are a few directories that are still precious to submit your site to but remember, quality over quantity is the key. Here are some valuable directories to get you started.

1.    Best of the Web

2.    Yahoo Directory

3.    DMOZ (they have seen a recent loss in listings)


5.    Exact Seek

When you are looking for directories worth submitting to you should look for sites that are human edited, have been around for a while, and are trusted. If you are looking for local directories, here is a list of the top 50 from HubSpot.

Blog Commenting

You are maybe thinking that this method is straight from 08, and it kind of is. The difference is that you are going to comment only on sites directly related to your site. You should leave comments that add to the conversation and hearten interaction from the writer. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Influence of Google Panda update in Small Businesses Ranking

google news
 Google is working on a restore of Panda, a "kinder, softer Panda," Google's Distinguished Engineer Matt Cutts announced at SMX last week. The aim of the next generation of Panda is to help small businesses that may have been impacted by earlier versions of the algorithm that Google has unleashed periodically since the initial launch in February 2011.

Panda was firstly launched as Google's algorithmic answer to low quality and thin content sites that had gained famous rankings in the search results.

While Panda was initially used as battling content farms, the side effect was huge for less authoritative sites, a category that many small websites fall into, regardless of whether they had stellar or poor quality content.

The Panda algorithm was mainly hard on small businesses and greatly decreased their search visibility when compared to larger or "big brand" types of sites that Google seems to favor. This is particularly true for product related searches where sites like Amazon or large retailers dominate the results and smaller sites just can't compete, even if they offer better service or prices.

The same applies for websites offering local services, such as a local real estate agent or a local exterminator. While local search can solve some of these problems, there remains the issue that their content doesn't rank well for usual searches.

On a WebmasterWorld thread on the theme, user EditorialGuy gave an outstanding description of how Panda affects small businesses, using a fake example search:

Take a query like "armadillo grooming tools." In the current Google results, such a inquiry might yield product listings from Amazon, Target, Walmart, Petsmart, Petco, and so on. If I were a Google search engineer testing that query, I'd want to see a mixture of name-brand results and results for specialist sites like armadillofancy dot com that present unique content and show a real understanding of and passion for armadillos."

Last year, Cutts seemed to acknowledge that Panda was having a pretty important impact on smaller businesses. In August he began asking for examples of small quality sites that weren't ranking well in Google. At the time, many small sites that had been negatively impacted by Panda were hopeful that an upcoming Panda update would give them a bit of a improve in the rankings.

There's no word on when webmasters might see the Panda refresh, but since it Cutts mentioned it, we can maybe expect to see it live sometime within the next few months.

 you might also like:  How Algorithm Updates influence SEO

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Google Penalized Link Networks

 Google's fight against link networks around the globe continues. Google on Friday announced taking action on the following: German link network famous; another German agency network; and Spanish and Italian link networks.

The famous site says it "matches advertisers and publishers based on their targeting requirements. This let’s you easily reach a broad or niche audience," The site's various services include "content integrations" via guest posts, product information, press articles, video seeding, and social media (Facebook and Twitter).

Google also took action against German link networks in February, hopeful at the time there was "more to come."

The Spanish and Italian announcements were made via Twitter by Giacomo Gnecchi (in Italian) and Javier Perez (in Spanish); Google's Matt Cutts provided the English translations: "we've taken action on Spanish and Italian link networks that violate our quality guidelines."

Google's action comes fewer than a week after Cutts warned penalties were imminent. It isn't yet clear which link networks, or how many, were penalized.

Announcements of penalties to link networks have become a near weekly occurrence of late, impacting sites in many languages. Below are some of our other recent stories with those facts.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Guest Blogging 2014

seo tips
 Google's Matt Cutts, the search engine's chief spam fighter, rallied a call that has many marketers shaking. The days of guest blogging, he said, are above for SEO. If you're just guest blogging to get links, he goes on to say, you're in bad company.

What he's referring to is awkward guest blogging that basically mimics the article marketing of old: bombarding mediocre content at every site on the web in hopes of scoring a link, without a thought to branding, audience, or relevancy.

Even with Google fast down on spammers, not all is lost. But it's dangerous to treat guest blogging deferentially.

Here's a closer look at how guest blogging can be one of your top tools for establishing credibility, authority, and thought leadership.

Recognize Why Thought Leadership Matters

There are many different kinds of writing obtainable to content marketers, from in-depth content like ebooks or white papers to quick blog posts meant to amuse and delight. Thought leadership elevates content formation to new heights by focusing in on quality insights, good writing, and taking a forward-looking position on key issues.

According to the Harvard Business Review, it begins with your brand which is "your personal assure to the market and to the world." They go on to explain that it's not sufficient to be the person that speaks Spanish, the most efficient sales leader, or some other similar skill-based position. These can be eliminated, or someone can come along who does what you do better, faster, or cheaper.

The best way to become exceptional is to build a brand centered on your unique strengths and contributions.

Instead, reframe the question to ask, "So how do you build a reputation as a singular expert – someone who doesn't just contribute in the conversation, but drives it?" You drive the conversation by identifying trends, formulating well thought-out points, and taking them to highly visible venues to begin to share.

Thought Leadership Starts With Defining a location

Thought leadership is about expertise. To move into the realm of writing or speaking for thought leadership purposes, you first have to determine your unique positioning.

What is it that you have to say and that you want to say that's diverse than everything else that's already being said? The answer can range from present a radically different position on the key trends and issues of your industry to simply putting a different twist on execution.

For example, if everyone talks about the value of video marketing from a theoretical viewpoint, but you're creating 3,000 word in-depth tutorials that really move people forward, that's your niche.

How you define your place can be based on several things:
•    What are your underlying goals for thought leadership activities? Are you promoting a specific business, or building your brand as the foundation for a career in a specific industry?
•    Where are your strengths? Are you able to write quickly? Are you comfortable on camera? Can you make people laugh with quirky top 10 lists, or do you have access to unique contacts that could be the foundation for a powerful interview series?
•    What series of smaller objectives are you going to tie to your content marketing, such as specific bylines or becoming known for talking about certain issues?
•    What unique experience or perspective do you have that's in demand in your industry, but hasn't been claimed by an expert yet?
•    From an industry perspective, what are some urgent questions that you and your peers and competitors are facing? What is the hot news or the biggest trend? If you think six months to two years into the future, can you answer the same questions and start talking about them now?
Develop Your Content Strategy

Thought leadership has many unusual components. shaping your strategy for "getting your message out" is a critical aspect of a practical thought leadership movement.
Choosing your channels is as weighty a decision as important your message. There are numerous opportunities available to you, for example:
•    Create a blog or website that becomes an authoritative brand in your space.
•    Contribute to other publications.

•    Talk at conferences, panels, and other industry events.
•    Write articles for trade magazines or convention publications.
•    Guest post in a range of online venues.
•    Host a podcast, video program, or interview show.
•    Invest in writing longer works, such as books, ebooks, and white papers.

If nothing else, remember this one key takeaway: the most efficient thought leadership efforts are systematic, and help you achieve a series of goals that build your brand along the way.
Make Some Key Decisions About Brand You

"Thought leadership" is a term that's used and injured to describe a lot of things. Mostly, it refers to having a platform to affect the discussion through your writing, speeches, work, and more.

At another level, thought leadership also means that you're valued for your skill and someone that others consult when they want to hire someone in your space. In extreme cases, "thought leader" becomes almost a job description, describing someone who writes books and travels to conferences for a living.

Expect Part of the Game to be Psychological

It's durable to move from thinking of yourself as an employee to a manager or leader. But stepping outside the idea that you're not just leading a company, but that you're taking a leading role in your industry also requires some major mind shifts.

Cutts' call to action is an important chance to look at guest blogging as just one part of building your personal thought leadership table. Thought leadership is about defining your brand, connecting with an audience, and moving the conversation forward. Many tools are at your disposal to make that happen successfully.

 you might also like: How Guest Blogging efficiently Boosts reliability

Friday, March 14, 2014

Tips to Rule The Search Engine Results Page

seo tips
 Getting your message across is often much more efficient on other websites than your own site.

Strong domains need less SEO effort to rank. This means you could potentially rank multiple times in the same top 10 search engine results page (SERP).

Additionally, being allowed to write for essential industry websites is a great demonstration of your expertise.
Here's how you can perform this strategy.

When Expertise Leads to Sales

In knowledge demanding industries, showing your expertise and creativity often leads to improved sales. This can be seen in several industries. SEO consultants, lawyers, financial advisors, and even architects advantage from being found with articles displaying their work and knowledge.

If you're in an industry that rewards expertise, you should start guest blogging and writing articles for the authority websites in your niche.

Selecting the Platforms to Write for

•    Start by selecting strong domains. You can find them by organization searches for many applicable keywords in your industry. The ones that rank across a wide range of keywords indicate strong domains with a lot of links bound for at them.

•    They should rather already work with a network of bloggers and allow guest blogging. Writing just a couple of guest blogs is often more capable than becoming a regular contributor, mainly because you want to spread your effort across multiple sites.

•    Do they already rank for your most significant keywords with another page? No problem! You will increase a head start in ranking, but your article will only be shown in search results once it outranks the older article.
•    select websites focused at other experts and also try to write for sites with entry-level audiences. Both can probably rank for attractive keyword combinations. Authoritative websites in your industry make you look more of an authority when you write for them.
Writing the Article

•    Make sure your articles provide clear examples of your knowledge and creativity. Make sure the title makes the article seem newsworthy enough and include an important keyword combination. The overall text should be well optimized for your main keyword, but other combinations can often be easily integrated as well.

•    Articles that are worth sharing also attract a lot of social media thought. At least some of your articles should have a viral element in them. Depending on timing, personalized search, and other factors, you should always have at least one article in the top 10.

•    You can effortlessly have multiple articles across different sites focused on the same keyword arrangement. The resulting Google top 10 for that keyword should show your broad knowledge on that niche subject. Using different angles you make your articles relevant for everybody searching for the keyword combination.

•    If allowed by the platform you write for, link to your own website and other related articles you've written. These could be on the same website or other ones you write for.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Facebook Announced New Page Design

 Facebook announced yesterday they will be rolling out a novel “streamlined” look for company Pages on the desktop version of their site. The new look is designed to help users and Page admins alike by emphasizing important information and making the most commonly used tools more available. This announcement comes just a few days after Facebook unveiled a new design for their News Feed.

The Page timeline design has been updated to make posts look reliable to how they would appear in the News Feed. Anyone who’s ever managed a Facebook page before knows how frustrating it after spending time crafting a grand post only to have it appear differently in the News Feed to how it looks in the Page timeline. Now you can be certain your posts look just as good across the whole platform.

The new design also makes company pages look a lot more like individual pages. There’s a left column dedicated to your Page’s posts and a right column dedicated to your business’s information. Here’s an example of how it looks:

New Features for Page Admins
The new design brings with it several new features just for Page admins. If you look on the very top right hand corner of the above example you’ll see the existing week’s Facebook activity at a glance. This includes ads running, amount of new likes, Page reach, and notifications. You can click on any of these for more detail. You’ll see a few new navigation options across the top as well.

The most fascinating new feature is the Pages to watch section. A page to Watch allows you to make a list of other business pages and compare your performance against theirs. This is a enormous way to keep an eye on your competitors, clients, and other businesses you care about.

The “Overview” tab of Page Insights displays some key stats about the Pages they are watching. The “Posts” tab of Page Insights includes an aspect to view the past week’s most engaging posts from the Pages you’re watching.

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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Important website analytics tools

While analytics are a must for any Internet marketer, it can be a bit frightening to know exactly which tool to use in order to track your results. After all, there are literally hundreds of analytics tools existing on the market, all with different features and benefits. Here is a quick review of 10 of the most popular website analytics tools to help you choose which one will work best for you and your company.

By far the most accepted web analytics tool is Google Analytics. Google Analytics is geared toward Internet marketers and small business owners who want to study more about their website. Google Analytics helps marketers and website owners understand traffic patterns, traffic sources, conversions, bounce rates, paid search statistics, and more. The data accessible is robust and intuitive enough for anyone to learn. While it is intuitive, there is a bit of a learning curve, and you may need to take a few tutorials in order to actually get the full benefits of Google Analytics.

2. Moz Analytics is one of the Internet’s leading search engine marketing companies, and offers a complete web analytics package. Moz analytic help you track your search marketing, social media marketing, brand activity, links, and content marketing efforts all in one convenient location.
3. TrueSocial Metrics

If you’re looking for a tool to help particularly with your social media metrics, then TrueSocial Metrics is a vast investment. TruSocial Metrics helps you calculate your social media marketing return on investment.
4. Clicky

Clicky is one of the most complete tools on the market, next to Google Analytic. Also, all of Clicky’s data is real-time, so you don’t have to wait around to make reports you may need.
5. KISSmetrics

KISSmetrics tells you, in great detail, what your website visitors are responsibility on your website, before, during, and after they buy from you. Google may tell you what is experience on a website, but KISSmetrics tells you who is doing it and when.
6. Woopra

Woopra is another real-time analytics tool that helps you track page views, events, and learn about your customers. Woopra also provides in rank about conversion funnels, customer activity, and when customers lose interest. Woopra helps you learn about your customers’ actions in order to pick up conversions on your site.
7. GoSquared
GoSquared is also a tool that measures real-time visitor engagement, but the main difference is in the design. They pride themselves on being intuitive, functional, and beautiful.
8. Buzzstream

Buzzstream is an analytics tool that helps you explicitly with link building research and social media research. You can sign up for either option, or both options.
9. BrightEdge
BrightEdge is an analytics tool that is used particularly for search engine optimization. It includes information on keywords, backlinks, traffic, conversions, competitors, geographies, devices, and more. It also includes information on local search and daily rankings.
10. FoxMetrics
FoxMetrics is another tool that helps track customer engagement in real-time. Not only can you track what your customers are doing on your website in real-time, but you can also track the customer life-cycle with where they are clicking, what e-mails they are opening, what products they are purchasing, and more.
These are just some of the web analytics tools out there. As you can see, there are a lot of options to prefer from, and the tool you end up selecting will really depend on what you are trying to measure, how much knowledge you have in the industry, what your budget is, and how much time you are willing to put into learning an analytic program.

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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

International Link Building

 Anyone at least moderately familiar with SEO best practices has a good perceptive of both the importance of link building as well as the fundamentals of the approach, but for those who are just getting up to speed, here's a fast synopsis.

What is Link Building?

Link building is a tactic or series of tactics that boost the number of websites linking to a fussy page or domain. Some factors in this approach include:

•    How many links are pointing to a explicit page or a domain from other unique domains?
•    How are the links placed and what text is included in the hyperlink on the page they live on?
•    What are the sole characteristics of the site(s) linking to the page or domain?

A website with a large number of inbound links to pages can benefit from a boost in rankings when a search engine deems those links as precious. The value is resolute by authority, relevance, popularity, and other ranking mechanisms that make up the algorithms of Google and other search engines.

Think like an International Search Engine

To take this draw near to an international campaign means building upon the foundation of domestic link building practices and start to think how a non-domestic search engine might look at it.

Here are a few questions to ask, using India as an example:
•    Is the information on your page applicable to visitors from India?
•    Are people in India writing about the topic on this page, and do they consider this exacting site a good resource when they do?

•    Are other popular sites and authors in India linking to this website?
Country Code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs)

Whatever your aim countries are, you should make sure that you have websites that are based in that country linking to your pages and domain. Target specific regions for link building efforts by soliciting and acquiring links from intention ccTLDs that match the country or region you are targeting. For example, if you were targeting India, you would want to make sure that several websites with the domain .in are providing backlinks.

To help with your efforts, there are several SEO tools that allow you to study your backlinks by location and/or ccTLD, which should make this easier, especially if your SEO campaigns are targeting multiple countries.

The Media Relations Component

A good link building movement has a lot of similarities to a media relations or PR initiative. You want to get reputable sources to write about you, and eventually link to you. Not all news outlets will hyperlink to your site, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try.

Find accepted sites in the country you are targeting and make a plan to solicit links from them. This applies not only to larger news sites, but also to bloggers who are often more likely to provide a link to your pages.

Don't forget directory sites as well, many of which can be country-specific.
The methods to acquire these links are like to a domestic campaign, but the individual outlets are sure to vary from location to location.


One thing that you shouldn't do is to imagine that your link building strategies can be accurately the same as they are for your domestic efforts, even if some of the tactics do bear a signal similarity. Make sure you invest the time and effort to truly know the media culture of the countries and regions you're targeting.

To put this in viewpoint, consider the effort you have invested in local link building efforts and remember that the same type of research and education will be required in each region you target.

Finally, remember that, like any other SEO effort, link building needs to be real and real if it is to be truly successful. If you don't have anything valuable to offer audiences in your target country, you need to reorganize your objectives. With a solid value plan, however, it is really just a matter of getting up to speed on your new target country.

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