Monday, July 15, 2013

Why the potential of The Web Rests in the Hearts and Minds of Fanatics

The Mass Infusion of Content Creators

Everybody has a microphone. As the knowledge improves, what I think we’ll see on the web is a mass infusion of content creators. For a long time it’s only been the rebels, the misfits and the geeks who are quick to hold something like blogging.  But the easier it becomes to create, the more that people will embrace the chance. We’ll reach a turning point where what’s special or remarkable will eventually become normal or mainstream.  When people see a crowd starting to collect they wonder why and finally they join.

Why the potential of The Web Rests in the Hearts and Minds of Fanatics
The predictable and uneven sharing of Traffic

The result of this mass infusion is a predictable and uneven sharing of traffic on the web. The social web is much like a developing country. There are those who receive the lion’s share of the traffic and accolades, while a significant percentage linger in shadows. As we add more content creators to the web, this gap is only going to grow and the web, all forms of media and audiences are going to become really fragmented.  It’s likely that Kevin Kelly’s 1000 True fans might become a stretch and we have to settle on 150 fanatics since that’s the magic number where tipping points occur.

A Focus on Service Instead of Growth

We’re possessed with metrics and measurements.  While they’re important, if they become the driving force behind every single choice, you’ll likely be fighting an uphill fight.  If we focus on serving the people who are previously there, they become our biggest fans. The invite people to the party. They become fanatics. Last weekend I attended an event called The World Domination Summit. The energy around it wasn’t like a typical conference. The people were fixated and created this distinct sense that if you weren’t there, you were missing out on something very special. That’s because Chris Guillebeau, the creator of the event is extremely service oriented. The result is a group of fanatics that made the event seem almost cultish.

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