Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The actual Future of Social is Search

Future of Social is Search
 I’m sure a lot of people would disagree that it’s the other way about – that search’s future is social. Either way, the two fields are converging, and with billions of dollars riding on them, it’s going to be significant to address the two as a vibrant duo.

To understand why the future of social is search, let’s look at why search has been spinning its eye toward social. Search is all about fundability. Whether paid or organic, the real aim of search is to be found by your target audience, and hopefully have them take a secondary feat. That action may be as simple as a share or like, or as complex as moving down the funnel into a lead and then to a purchase. Social has provided an excellent way for people, ideas and content to be found.

That said, social is a busy place. Numerous channels, millions of users, and a deluge of content mean the days of simple social fundability are over. While networks rush to create filters, surface content they think you’ll find attractive, and make more relevant connections, marketers need to focus on being found from other angles. You can’t change the algorithms that Facebook, Google, or other organizations put in place – so what can you do?

You can make the content that is ever-present when people search for it.

2. Look for Concepts, Not physical Terminology
While this may sound like a repeat of number one, you should focus on discussions applicable to your brand. Here you will find a wealth of information to attach with existing audiences and recognize new audiences. This means you can be creating content that touches on current topics. While many people think they’re previously doing this, I’ll point out an example of what this looks like in practice.

A traditional approach will include monitoring conversations for: Nike, run (and variations like running and runner), shoes, and cross training; as well as competitors like Asics, Reebok, etc. In the past few years we’ve evolved to monitoring for things such as: Marathon, trails, and road race.

The next evolution should focus on the conversations that are happening around running and running shoes on social, and expand Nike’s awareness on things like: Carbohydrates, personal trainer, joint pain, weather predictions, etc. These come from tweets, Instagram photos and Facebook posts like this one.
For example, Nike could do marathon-inspired recipes and content, along with shoe suggestions for users that are searching for pre-run meals. The company could also display store information alongside searches for local personal trainers. Another great way to engage would be to serve up content for cushioning running shoes when people mention runner-related injuries.

3. Generate Content That is Socially Searchable & Consumable

Knowing people are going to be on social channels and busy with lots of “stuff” is only half the clash. Now you need to make sure you’re creating content that works well for those mediums and is also easily found when users search.
The Hangout is conducted live, giving the audience a chance to tweet questions to FOUNDFriday. It is then posted to:

•    YouTube

•    SlideShare

•    Our Blog

The Google Hangout is publicized on Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook to the GinzaMetrics audience, as well as the audience of whomever is guest talking.
The YouTube video provides an chance for increased visibility on Google as well as transcription.

SlideShare is great because you can pull key points and turn them into an illustrated, easily consumable format. SlideShare also has great SEO value with a full transcript built-in below that is findable by search engines.

The blog post includes links to the SlideShare, YouTube video, and notes from previous FOUND Friday efforts, as well as links to other referencing sources – garnering even more findability. Each of these items are not only shared socially, but findable via social media as well. 

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